async await with foreach is bad

forEach is BAD! for Async Await Code | Advanced Async/Await Javascript Tutorial

forEach Javascript - STOP USING IT! for Async Await Code | forEach vs for...of

Why async-await does not work with forEach?

Using Async/Await With forEach In JavaScript | JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers

JavaScript ASYNC/AWAIT is easy! ⏳

C# Async Await Mistakes | Part 1

4 different types of for loop in node js | Issue with .forEach and asynchronous function

Is Parallel.For/ForEach in C# actually worth it? (and how to modernize it)

NodeJS : Async await code does not running the same way with forEach

Part 33 Example 1 Async and await in ForEach, For and For Of Loops in Node JS

Don't Make This Mistake in JavaScript - Async Operations

Understanding JavaScript Promises in ForEach, Map, and Reduce Loops

Is awaiting a Task instead of returning it directly in C# actually slower?

Asynchronous loops in Javascript - using forEach, map, and for loop | JavaScript Explained

The Dangers Of Promise.all()

Don't use async/await inside forEach loop

How to use async/await inside loops in JavaScript

NodeJS : How can i fix an async forEach push?

Javascript Async Await with Loops, Error Handling, Promise.All and Koa

8 await async mistakes that you SHOULD avoid in .NET

Most Common Mistake With Async Loops

Loops with Async / Await

Stop using async void in C#! Do this instead.

Async/await in Parallel.ForEach